CUUG Meetings: 2024-2025
Last update: $Date: 2024-08-27 21:27:55-06 $
Past Meetings: 1999-2000   2000-2001   2001-2002   2002-2003   2003-2004   2004-2005   2005-2006   2006-2007   2007-2008   2008-2009   2009-2010   2010-2011   2011-2012   2012-2013   2013-2014   2014-2015   2015-2016   2016-2017   2017-2018   2018-2019   2019-2020   2020-2021   2021-2022   2022-2023   2023-2024   2024-2025

2024 Board of Directors

At the June 2024 Annual General Meeting, the following people were elected to the Board of Directors for 2024/2025:

  • Rebecca Reid (President)
  • Greg King (Secretary-Treasurer)
  • Alex Chow
  • Alan Dewar
  • Dick Miller
Read all about them.