CUUG Meetings: 2009-2010
Last update: $Date: 2024-08-27 21:37:40-06 $
Past Meetings: 1999-2000   2000-2001   2001-2002   2002-2003   2003-2004   2004-2005   2005-2006   2006-2007   2007-2008   2008-2009   2009-2010   2010-2011   2011-2012   2012-2013   2013-2014   2014-2015   2015-2016   2016-2017   2017-2018   2018-2019   2019-2020   2020-2021   2021-2022   2022-2023   2023-2024   2024-2025

Annual General Meeting and Elections

The Calgary UNIX Users' Group is holding its Annual General Meeting and election of the 2010/2011 Board of Directors. Nominees so far include the following:

Nominees' background information is now available. We would still be happy to accept more volunteers to serve on the Board, so if you can help out, please contact cuugboard.

Bow Valley College

332 - 6 Ave S.E.
Room 438

6:00 PM, Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June General Meeting

Facebook and FarmVille

Speaker: Dick Miller, Calgary UNIX Users' Group

Dick was an early adopter of Facebook and MySpace but found little reason to use them until he discovered FarmVille on Facebook. This talk will cover the basics of getting started with Facebook and FarmVille, then, where to find information about how to create your own applications for Facebook.

Dick Miller has a B.Sc. in Computer Science and is a former PMP. Dick has many years of experience in system administration, network architecture and application development.

Bow Valley College

332 - 6 Ave S.E.
Room 438

6:00 PM, Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Notice of Special Resolution to Amend Bylaws

Immediately prior to the election, there will be a vote on the following Special Resolution to change CUUG's Bylaws:

It is hereby resolved that the By-laws of the Association be amended to reduce the minimum required number of directors from ten (10) to five (5).
By-laws, Board of Directors, section 6.02: Number
Previous wording:

The number of directors shall be not less than ten (10) persons and not more than twenty (20) persons and shall be determined from time to time within such limits by resolution of the board of directors.
Amended wording:
The number of directors shall be not less than five (5) persons and not more than twenty (20) persons and shall be determined from time to time within such limits by resolution of the board of directors.

Bow Valley College

332 - 6 Ave S.E.
Room 438

6:00 PM, Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Membership Renewals Due

It is annual renewal time for CUUG memberships. Invoices will be sent out shortly. Membership fees remain at $50.00 (no GST), and cheques can be made payable to Calgary UNIX Users' Group. Our mailing address is as follows:

Calgary Unix Users' Group
Box 878, Station M
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 2J6

Or, better yet, come to the meeting on Tuesday, June 29, and renew there.