CUUG Meetings: 2003-2004
Last update: $Date: 2024-08-27 21:37:40-06 $
Past Meetings: 1999-2000   2000-2001   2001-2002   2002-2003   2003-2004   2004-2005   2005-2006   2006-2007   2007-2008   2008-2009   2009-2010   2010-2011   2011-2012   2012-2013   2013-2014   2014-2015   2015-2016   2016-2017   2017-2018   2018-2019   2019-2020   2020-2021   2021-2022   2022-2023   2023-2024   2024-2025

June: Annual General Meeting

and Board of Directors elections

It's time to exercise your democratic right and vote -- for the 2004/2005 CUUG Board of Directors. Read the biographies of this year's nominees. If you, too, would be willing to consider helping out on the board (it's easy and prestigious!), please send e-mail to cuugboard.

Microsoft Services for UNIX

Speaker: Jim Sullivan, Business Development Manager, UNIX Migrations, Microsoft

Windows Services for UNIX enables Windows and UNIX clients and servers to share network resources, integrates account management, simplifies cross-platform management, and provides a full UNIX scripting and application execution environment that runs natively on Windows. Whether you love Microsoft or hate them, this product did win the award for Best System Integration Software at the 2003 LinuxWorld show, so it should be an interesting presentation!

Since graduating from The University of Waterloo nineteen years ago, Jim Sullivan has had a long career in the UNIX and Open Systems industry. As a kernel developer, Jim ported various flavours of UNIX Systems to a variety of platforms before settling on Intel chips and UNIX System V. In addition to his development past, Jim has been a Support Engineer supporting resellers and end users, a Systems Engineer supporting field sales, a Marketing Manager, focused on the Small and Mid-Sized Enterprise market and a Systems Engineering Manager, focusing on enterprise sales. After seventeen years with The Santa Cruz Operation, Jim now works for Microsoft, assisting customers and partners in migrating from UNIX systems to the Microsoft Platform.

Central Calgary Public Library

616 Macleod Tr. S.E.
Meeting Room B (bsmt.)

5:30 PM, Tuesday, June 22nd

May General Meeting

City of Calgary Goes Linux

...and saved millions

Speaker: Ian Lofthouse, Sr. System Admin, City of Calgary

In 2003, the City of Calgary piloted projects to examine the value of using Linux servers on Intel hardware for Oracle services, file sharing and web services. They found that performance was improved and costs drastically lower than the existing proprietary Unix solutions.

Central Calgary Public Library

Meeting Room #1 (bsmt.)

5:30 PM, Tuesday, May 25th

April General Meeting

Glenn Bontje


Unix Servers into Unix Services

MacDonald Hall, SAIT Campus
(east end, probably MA127 or MA128 - exact room TBA)
CUUG Members & SAIT Students FREE
General Public $10 at the door

Thank you to:
SAIT - for providing the room

March General Meeting

Making the Matrix

How We Did It

Our speaker is Andrew Pearce, currently the Head of Production Tools at ESC Entertainment, the computer graphics special effects house that handled "The Matrix Reloaded" and "Matrix Revolutions".

We approached SAIT about meeting space, and Mr. Steve Brierley of SAIT was generous enough to offer CUUG the use of The Orpheus Theatre (seats 321) for the evening. We in turn are pleased to offer SAIT students free admission to the meeting.

CUUG members in good standing will, of course, also have free admission and may bring one free guest, as usual. (If you are on this mailing list, your CUUG fees are up to date).

General Public Admission is $10.

RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED for all seats, INCLUDING CUUG Members and their guests.

This one is an EVENING show: March 23rd, 7PM.

Please come!

General Meeting February 24th - At SAIT Room MA128

How We Manage $3 Billion Of Water Mains

With Unix Servers and GIS Maps

Roy Brander, P.Eng. is the Sr. Infrastructure Engineer for Waterworks, The City of Calgary. He will speak about how Calgary manages it's water system with Unix, Oracle, CAD and GIS. Includes dozens of maps even more colourful than this one. year.

We are not meeting at the library this month!


At SAIT (Take the C-Train! Cheaper than Parking!) go to Heritage Hall, that's the oldest building, the one that looks like a castle. Go to the main doors and turn right at Starbucks, go to the end of the hall to the far SE corner of the building.

The location may take longer for some to get there, so the meeting is at 6PM.

Click here to see the SAIT map, click on "Heritage Hall" on it's left-hand menu-bar.

For more information contact Ken Brown, Membership Coordinator (brownk)

January General Meeting

Tuesday, January 27th, 2004 at 5:30 PM
W.R. Castell Central Library, 616 MacLeod Trail S.E.
Meeting rooms 1 & 2, Basement Level

Our speaker this month is Grigori Melnik of the Calgary Agile Methods User Group.

Agile proponents believe that there are problems with current software development processes:

  • They are too heavyweight or cumbersome
  • They are too rigid
  • They have difficulty with incomplete or changing requirements
  • Too many things are done that are not directly related to software product being produced
  • More active customer involvement is needed

Agile software development is iterative, incremental, self-organizing, and emergent. There is no single agile method, but "Extreme Programming" is the most popular in North America.

Agile methods:

  • have short development cycles
  • are lightweight
  • are people-based rather than plan-based

Meeting Location:

Meeting rooms 1 & 2
Basement Level
W.R. Castell Central Library
616 MacLeod Trail S.E.

Admission for members and their guests is free, otherwise it costs $10.

For more information or to register a guest:

  • call the CUUG office at 403.265.2289
  • email

CUUG Open House

Tuesday, November 18th, 2003
5:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Meeting rooms 1 & 2
Basement Level
W.R. Castell Central Library
616 MacLeod Trail S.E.

The Calgary Unix Users Group (CUUG) is proud to present its annual Open House.

Featured will be booths and presentations about UNIX, LINUX, PHP, systems administration, computer programming and Oracle databases. This is the ideal event for novices and experts alike to network, socialise and learn about the latest in computer technologies.

Admission is free with pre-registration.

For more information or to pre-register:

  • call the CUUG office at 403.265.2289
  • email events

September 23 General Meeting

SPEAKER : Michael SubasicSolutions Architect Novell
TOPIC : Novell, Linux and Lawsuits

Our speaker this month is from Novell corporation - an early pioneer in PC networking and first non-AT&T owner of Unix System Laboratories. The presentation will feature an overview of Novell's current Unix and Linux strategies, products and plans as well as provide the Novell perspective on the recent flurry of Linux related lawsuits.

Michael Subasic has worked in the IT field for 15 years, initially involved in Oil and Gas software development in a variety of languages and platforms he now provides security and network technology integration solutions for Novell customers.

Additional information:

Linux & Open Source
Novell Acquires Ximian to Expand Linux Solutions and Open Source Commitment

The Lawsuit
Novell chief dismisses SCO lawsuit
Novell Statement on SCO Contract Amendment

Novell completes acquisition of UNIX System Laboratories
Novell Completes Sale of UnixWare Business to The Santa Cruz Operation

TIME: 18:00

LOCATION : Meeting room 1, Basement Level, W.R. Castell Central Library, 616 MacLeod Trail S.E.